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A decisão de parar os cheques de back-office de negociações de opções de câmbio em National Australia Bank em 2003 resultou em uma quebra de controle no banco, um tribunal foi dito ontem. O Tribunal de Magistrados de Melbourne também Ouviu que o ex-executivo da NAB Frank Cicutto foi deixado no escuro sobre as violações de limite de negociação resultantes que terminou em uma perda para o banco de 360 ​​milhões. A corte ouviu que os quatro comerciantes cobrado sobre negociação não autorizada na mesa de opções de câmbio descoberto Em setembro de 2003 que o back-office tinha deixado de verificar os seus ofícios. NAB s cabeça de banca corporativa e institucional CIB, divisão de auditoria interna, John Holihan, disse que as pessoas que pararam os cheques provavelmente não perceberam as implicações da decisão. Ele disse que quando os erros foram descobertos em operações de opções de outubro de 2003 a janeiro de 2004, ele foi posto para baixo para problemas de dentição no novo sistema de computador do banco. Pensou-se que havia um erro no sistema de 10 de outubro de 2003, até 13 de janeiro de 2004, Holihan disse. Mr Holihan estava dando provas nas audiências de entrega de dois ex-comerciantes opção NAB, Gianni Grey de Londres e Vince Ficarra de Fitzroy North em Melbourne. Eles estão enfrentando acusações sob a Lei de Corporações relacionadas a negociação não autorizada no balcão de opções de câmbio entre setembro de 2003 e janeiro de 2004.Mr Holihan disse que nunca tinha encontrado alguém entrando em negociações falsas, enquanto ele era um trader de opções de câmbio estrangeiro Disse que uma auditoria interna da mesa em 2001 constatou que os comerciantes estavam dispostos a assumir grandes riscos para cumprir ambiciosas metas de lucro. Holihan disse na época ele foi criticado por um então gerente sênior - Steve Targett, que agora está com ANZ - por não saber como os negócios foram conduzidos. Foi um comentário ridículo, disse Holihan ao magistrado Jane Patrick. O ex-chefe da CIB, Ian Scholes, disse que Cicutto nunca foi informado sobre as rupturas comerciais que foram descobertas em março de 2003 e discutidas em uma reunião da alta administração. Foi informado de que houve 866 violações de limites de risco pela mesa de opções, o tribunal ouviu. A informação não foi transmitida ao Sr. Cicutto - que deixou o banco na sequência do escândalo que se seguiu em Janeiro de 2004 - porque foi explicado Como um problema do sistema. Foi-me dito então que o novo sistema eo antigo sistema não se alinharam e tive a certeza de que não eram verdadeiras violações, disse o Sr. Scholes, que reportou directamente ao Sr. Cicutto. Perguntado pelo advogado de defesa de Gray, Ian Hill, Ele contou ao Sr. Cicutto sobre as violações, o Sr. Scholes respondeu que eu não acredito assim. Foi um grande número de excessos a explicar e é muito importante entender que foi explicado como o novo sistema não alinhando ao antigo sistema. O ex-chefe de mercados no CIB, Ron Erdos, que relatou a Scholes, disse A mesa de opções de forex era apenas uma pequena parte de suas responsabilidades que envolveu uma equipe global de 550 pessoas com um orçamento total de 900 milhões eu tinha uma vasta responsabilidade, ele disse. A audiência continua. Obter o SMH entregue para tão pouco como 3 a Semana - SAVE 21.Para fazer o download de indicadores exatos de uma entrada para Forex. 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The 5th annual Forex Championship began December 30, 2013 and ends August 30, 2014.The Forex Champ is a trading competition carried out on MetaTrader 4 practice accounts, meaning that there is no risk involved and the participation is totally free of charge. The main aim of the Forex championship is to identify the best traders in the five global regions and to recognize the highest performing traders of the Forex contest in the world ranking. It s the perfect starting point for beginners to improve their skills, learn from our experts and become a part of the traders championship community Get your interest rewarded from the prize pool of 1,000.Turtle Trading Channel. Turtle Trading Channel is a forex trading system This system works bes t in a trending market Therefore, it is highly recommended to take trades only in a trending market This forex trading system is named The Turtle Trading Channel because it consists of a channel that works as a support and resistance You see that the upper part of the turtle trading channel works as a resistance while the turtle trading channel that is below the price works as a support But these two lines of the Turtle Trading Channel is more than a support and resistance level, it also let us know whether to sell or buy in the market Usually in a trending market, let s say bullish, when you see lower band of the channel is blue in color, it is right time to buy and vice versa. Turtle Trading Channel system can be sometimes messy when you apply it to the very volatile and flat market but in a healthy bullish bearish market you can see crystal clear signals. When the Turtle Trading Channel is correctly loaded on your trading platform your trading chart should look like this. You can see i n the above chart that the system works really beautifully in a trending market The system is reliable too if you use it in a proper way You should practice with it for some days or even months to get the feel trading with this system It s not easy to get adopted with the new style of trading and new trading systems but with repetitive practice with complete self discipline and peace of mind you can master the system very quickly. Although this system is very reliable and effective, it is a lagging indicator so the actual entry might be delayed But don t worry it won t be too late to open the position either Due to the delayed entry your stop loss levels might be quite higher but it s okay since you are going to ride the trend up to its fullest. Buying Conditions Using Turtle Trading Channel. The major trend should be up You can find out this by having a glance at the chart. Previous candlestick bar should be bullish. Turtle Trading Channel should be below the price and it should be blue in color. Open a buy position as soon as above conditions are met. Place your stop just below the recent swing low. Take your profit when the Turtle Trading Channel appears above the price and it is red in color. Selling Conditions Using Turtle Trading Channel. The major trend should be down You can find out this by having a glance at the chart. Previous candlestick bar should be bearish. Turtle Trading Channel should be above the price and it should be red in color. Open a sell position as soon as above conditions are met. Place your stop just above the recent swing high. Take your profit when the Turtle Trading Channel appears below the price and it is blue in color. German Forex Brokers Rules and Regulations. Germany is the strongest economy in the Eurozone and a major driver of events in the European financial markets The country also has the greatest depth in the financial markets in terms of market capitalization and size of transactions Regulation of German financial markets is very robust an d is provided by the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority, otherwise known in German as Bundesanstalt fur Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht BaFIN BaFin is responsible for the regulation and supervision of close to 4,200 financial institutions in Germany ranging from banks, financial services institutions and insurance companies. All financial activity in Germany without exception is regulated by BaFIN This means that forex business and forex brokers in Germany are subject to regulation by BaFIN. Understanding the Regulatory Environment in Germany. BaFIN has sweeping regulatory powers BaFIN maintains a database of all trading accounts located in all brokerage houses in Germany Brokers are mandated by law to provide this information to BaFIN and to update the lists periodically. Status of Forex Trading in Germany. About a decade ago, most forex trading was done via telephone To place an order, you had to call your broker on phone and have the order executed for you by the broker Automation has changed all that Germany now accounts for a large proportion of the trade volume in the forex market, as most forex trading is now online Forex trading in Germany is controlled by the Bundesbank Germany s central bank , hedge funds, commercial companies, forex brokers, authorized banks and investment management companies. It is thought that the over 19 of all global forex trading can be traced to Deutsche Bank, which is one of the largest liquidity providers in the market Multi bank forex portals are very popular in Germany and have fuelled the immense growth of the forex market in the country Perhaps the growth of the forex market and the fast liberalization of the market came too fast for the country s regulators to keep up with The recent LIBOR scandal where major European firms and traders were accused of rigging the LIBOR rate and profiting heavily from it affected Germany as well The Head of BaFIN has recently come out to say that the regulator has detected a number of criminal a cts in the process of the LIBOR manipulations, and is set to prosecute errant companies and traders This has led BaFIN to believe that a radical change in the way forex trading is offered by brokers is the best way to safeguard the integrity of the market. The Future of Forex Trading and Regulation in Germany. The LIBOR rigging scandal was one of the major news items of 2013, threatening the integrity of the forex market As such, the German government has started a push for a change in the way forex is offered to traders It is now the belief of the government of Chancellor Angela Merkel that the trading of currencies and precious-metals should be taken off trading platforms and moves to physical exchanges The German government is said to have decided to use this as a means of overhauling the global financial markets with its partners. According to the German Deputy Finance Minister Michael Meister, stronger financial regulation was the way to go in order to counter any kind of manipulatio n of other forex benchmarks, and that the shift of trades of currencies and precious metals to regulated exchanges would enhance the integrity of price-setting,.The idea of moving away from spot markets to regulated exchanges was first muted by Elke Koenig, head of BaFIN Acording to the BaFIN Chief, making forex and commodity trading exchange-mediated investment vehicles would help uncover trading patterns that manipulate prices Koenig has however admitted that any such moves are still too far-fetched and needed to be pursued in stages. This move, if seen to its logical conclusion, will represent a major transition for the forex markets, since the CFTC introduced measures to curtail retail participation in forex trading via a change in margin requirements for forex and option trading in 2010.Germany has been at the forefront of austerity measures and reforms for ailing EU states It is no surprise that it is now thinking of taking regulation of German forex brokers to a whole new level I t is very possible that within 10 years, German forex brokers will be required to key in their clients into exchange-traded forex trading. Until then, traders would make do with trading currencies on the platforms of today, majority of which are owned by German banks operating through smaller subsidiaries The state of regulation of German FX brokers is very strong, and traders who participate in this market via German brokers can be assured that in BaFIN, they have a regulator with the balls to do what is required to protect their funds and sanitize the market. Beckrich to Guest Speak at Sun City West on 5 7.Ken Beckrich, Phoenix s Online Trading Academy owner, is hosting a free seminar on how to take control of your financial future on Monday, May 7 from 7 00 p m to 8 30 p m at Sun City West. Although we are in the midst of the Great Recession, there is hope Hope begins with educating yourself on the stock market and how to properly invest money and knowing that you are not alone It is i nevitable that the world s events will affect your money, therefore you need to be aware of how to take control of your financial future to reduce your risk of loss Many people who had planned to retire now or in the near future are no longer able to because of the severe losses they experienced in their investments since 2009 Are you one of the millions of wishful retirees. If so, Ken s seminar will help you understand what steps you can take to control your financial future and gain a secure hold on your retirement fund Ken will provide tips to start managing your own financial future even if you have never managed your own investments before He will discuss how to invest your 401K into successful stocks that provide high return rates and offer low risk, so you can start to re-build your retirement funds one stock at a time If a broker is handling your investments, Ken can advise you on what questions to ask your broker to ensure that your investments are being best managed to fit you r investment goals. The seminar will be held at Sun City Grand s Visitor Center in the Lecture Hall at, 13823 West Camino Del Sol, Sun City West, AZ 85375.Online Trading Academy, the worldwide leader in professional trader education, is the only trading and investing vocational school in Arizona The Academy focuses solely on utilizing its proprietary approach to train both new students and experienced traders This methodology combines instruction from professional traders with real-time, real money trading, using Online Trading Academy s capital The Academy s unique hands-on approach allows anyone to learn how to trade the markets with minimal risk, the program s primary focus Online Trading Academy courses are geared toward individuals who want to learn how to use the tools and techniques that are employed by professional traders, whether they are interested in trading for income Short Term, Swing and Position Trading , or longer term wealth management. For more information on Online Tr ading Academy and the courses that they offer, please visit tradingacademy phoenix. Online Trading Academy s Macroeconomics Expert to Speak about America s Economy. What the Best Forex Brokers in Australia Can Provide. All Australian Forex traders must be very careful when choosing their brokers and should perform a due-diligence thorough comparison to check all aspects of the relationship before finalising any arrangement This standard procedure applies not only to online trading in Australia but also to any business proposition being considered. Each broker legitimately highlights differing aspects of their business model to entice you to trade with them Clearly, your first step is to establish your priorities and define your strategy and which parameters and features are of most consequence to you Without this essential first step, you will lack a firm reference point for comprehensive comparison Furthermore, you must localise this process because of the specifics that trading hours in Australia differ so markedly from almost all the worlds commercial centers. The following points are therefore offered with the goal of helping Australian traders make better choices Informed traders will be in a position to pick the best forex trading platform and boost their businesses to the next level. As a trader, you are assuming a principal role, with your hard-earned capital on the line So, establish guidelines, take your time and choose wisely. Dedicating sufficient time to making this crucial decision is appropriate and optimal at the beginning of your career as a Forex trader as is periodically reviewing the available alternatives After identifying the appropriate agent and platform which you can trust and which will deliver the environment you seek, you can then focus on your trading strategy, to great advantage. How to choose the best Forex broker in Australia. The rising popularity of Forex trading in Australia means that the choice of brokers is growing And while the discussi on here has thus far focused on identifying the characteristics which distinguish one broker from another, most forex account terms will be similar This set of common features makes it easier to compare apples with apples Margin and leverage, an example standard feature, differ widely among platforms, with Contracts for Difference CFDs , offering up to an out-sized 400 1 magnification of deposit. The first and easiest step that every trader should take when searching for the best Forex broker in Australia is to check whether the potential broker is registered with official institutions and organizations Brokers are regulated in Australia by the Australian Securities Investments Commission and finding the official registration name and owners should entail no difficulty. Second, studying the broker s social media platforms and presence is also appropriate Here and in review sites, you can discover unvarnished feedback, like complaints by customers and how responsive the firm is to critici sm. In any event, gradually build and develop this relationship, to allow you to monitor execution and results with minimum stress. Forex rigging claims could prove to be bigger scandal than Libor, says Carney. Mark Carney has been forced to admit that allegations of rigging in foreign exchange markets could prove be a bigger scandal than the manipulation of Libor as he sought to rebuff criticism that the Bank of England had been slow to react. During almost five hours in front of the Treasury select committee on Tuesday, Carney also unveiled plans for a new deputy governor to focus on banking and markets as part of an overhaul to bolster the Bank s credibility He also told MPs the Royal Bank of Scotland may have to move its headquarters to England if Scotland voted for independence in September. Carney was speaking just days after the Bank suspended a member of staff in connection with its review of the 3 trillion a day foreign exchange market and began a formal inquiry into whether its st aff knew about potential market rigging. Facing renewed criticism from the committee s chair, Andrew Tyrie, that the Bank s governance structure was opaque, complex and byzantine, Carney said a strategic review to be outlined next week would reinforce compliance, make staff more accountable and create the post of a fourth deputy governor. The Bank was ruthlessly and relentlessly investigating what had happened in foreign exchange markets and intensively cooperating with other central banks around the world, he added But the governor sought to lay much of the blame at the feet of certain market players who have lost sight of what a real market is. He told MPs This is a very serious matter that has to be chased down as rapidly and fairly as possible This is as serious as Libor, if not more so because this goes to the heart of integrity of markets. We cannot come out of this with a shadow of doubt about the integrity of the Bank of England. The scandal escalated on Tuesday as Bloomberg news ag ency reported a senior currency dealer at Lloyds Banking Group tipped off a trader at oil company BP about a 300m foreign exchange deal Bloomberg, which first broke news of allegations of price rigging in forex markets last June, cited people with knowledge of the matter saying the Lloyds s dealer, Martin Chantree, alerted the other trader on 31 January 2013 that his desk had received instructions from the bank s treasury department to swap more than 300m for dollars and that they would continue selling regardless of price movements Lloyds suspended Chantree last month. Experts say the foreign exchange scandal could have huge implications for London as a global financial centre. Carney s repeated vows to reinforce integrity follow a warning from one of the Treasury committee s MPs, Labour s Pat McFadden, that the Bank faced enormous risks to it reputation from reports of wrongdoing in the foreign exchange market, where London accounts for 40 of the trade. The governor s comments did littl e to allay Tyrie s concerns about the Bank s ability to cope with a new crisis This is the first real test for the Bank of England s new governance structures Early signs are not encouraging, the MP said in a statement after the hearing He reiterated criticism of the slowness of the Bank s oversight committee made up of non-executive members of its governing body to take the lead on accusations of misconduct in the forex markets An internal inquiry was launched in October when the allegations were first made but the investigation was only moved up to the oversight committee last week. The public needs confidence that the Bank s governance structures will ensure that it gets to the bottom of forex-related misconduct allegations The public also needs confidence that any misconduct in other areas will be discovered, Tyrie said. The committee s Andrea Leadsom repeated several times a question to Paul Fisher, the Bank s executive director for markets over why Threadneedle Street did not onc e deign to follow up the committee s queries in the wake of the Libor scandal over whether other prices may have been rigged. She quoted from minutes from 2006 meetings between the Bank and its chief dealers subgroup, which noted evidence of attempts to move the market at certain times and said that should have set bells ringing It goes back to this complacency that all will be fine, Leadsom said to Fisher. But Fisher said Those minutes did not convey to me that markets were being rigged. On the question of being spurred into further investigations, Fisher said It isn t our job to go out hunting for rigging of markets. The hearing also covered the Bank s move last month to overhaul its forward guidance policy, under which it seeks to provide assurance over when interest rates will begin to rise Renewed divisions between members of the monetary policy committee MPC were revealed over the size of the so-called output gap, the difference between the actual level of activity in the economy and its potential level. Tyrie was visibly shocked when questions about MPC discussions led to the revelation that recordings of the monthly meetings were destroyed once they had been turned into redacted minutes. He argued that recordings were of significant historical value, as seen in the US where the Federal Reserve s open market committee publishes full transcripts with a long time lag He was reluctant to accept Fisher s explanation that previous attempts to transcribe meetings had failed Is that because you are all shouting and throwing things at one another Most organisations manage to transcribe a record, even the House of Commons manages to do it on a good day. Tag macd and rsi trading strategy. How exactly MACD RSI help in Forex Trading. Moving Typical Convergence Divergence MACD is really a more in depth approach to utilizing shifting averages to locate buying and selling indicators through cost graphs Produced by Gerald Appel, the actual MACD and building plots the actual distincti on in between the 26-day rapid shifting typical along with a 12-day rapid shifting typical The 9-day shifting typical is usually utilized like a bring about collection, which means once the MACD passes across beneath this particular bring about its a bearish transmission time in order to sell so when this passes across over this, it is a bullish transmission time in order to buy More info right here along with additional research, investors will appear in order to MACD research to supply earlier indicators or even divergences in between marketplace costs along with a specialized sign When the MACD becomes good as well as can make greater levels whilst costs continue to be tanking, this may be the strongbuy transmission On the other hand, when the MACD can make reduce levels whilst costs tend to be producing brand new levels, this may be a powerful bearish divergence along with a market transmission. Click Here to Download A NEW Trading Tool and Strategy For FREE. As the trader your prima ry goal should be to become lucrative investor To have this particular objective, it is essential that you simply learn to make use of the well known specialized indications They are very helpful guidelines which will let you know having a higher likelihood exactly what the actual foreign exchange marketplaces may perform within their evidently disordered conduct because noticed about the foreign exchange graphs. RSI means Family member Power Catalog The actual RSI steps the actual marketplaces exercise regarding be it more than purchased or higher offered This provides investor a sign regarding that method the marketplace is actually shifting You should be aware, which this can be a top sign and therefore enables someone to observe exactly what the marketplace is all about to complete after which behave appropriately The larger the actual RSI quantity, the greater more than purchased is actually as well as on the other hand the low the actual RSI quantity, the greater more than offered its Its a excellent top sign for that mini as well as macro reversals within the foreign exchange market By utilizing a good RSI about the 1 moment graph arranged in a amount of eighteen as well as overlaid about the base of the graphs often provide the greatest admittance indicators This particular may also be put on the actual 5-minute graph too Both substantial admittance amounts tend to be twenty five as well as seventy five. Among these types of indications you will discover the actual MACD as well as RSI however what utes this is of those characters you might be wondering Nicely, this is actually the solution. Others Looked For. day trading with macd. indicator AFL - ZigZag Retracement. Macd Rsi AdX strategies pdf. Forex Trading Risk Types and Management. Of course, every investment is risky but the risks of loss in trading off-exchange forex contracts are even bigger That is why once you decide to be the player in this market you had better realize the risks connected with this produc t to make suspended decisions before investing. In forex, you are operating big sums of money, and it is always possible that a trade will turn against you The Forex trader should know the tools of advantageous and careful trading and minimizing losses It is possible to minimize the risk but no one can guarantee eliminating it Off-exchange foreign currency trading is a very risky business and may not be appropriate for all market players The only funds that can be used for speculating in foreign currency trading - or any kind of highly speculative investments - are funds that represent risk capital e g funds you can afford to risk without worsening your financial situation There are other reasons why forex trading may or may not be a suitable investment. The fraud and Scams in Forex market. A few years ago, Forex scams were very usual but since then this business has cleaned up However, it s wise to be cautious and to check broker s background before signing up any documents with him or h er Reliable forex brokers work with big financial institutions such as banks or insurance enterprises and are always registered with official government agencies In the US, brokers should be registered with the Commodities Futures Trading Commission or should be a member of the National Futures Association You can also check their background in your local Consumer Protection Bureau and the Better Business Bureau. There is a risk of losing your whole investment. You will be asked to deposit an amount of money, called the security deposit or margin, with your forex dealer in order to buy or sell an off-exchange forex contract A small amount of money can let you hold a forex position many times bigger than the value of your account This is called gearing or leverage The smaller the deposits related to the underlying value of the contract, the greater the leverage turns out to be If the price moves in a non-preferable direction, high leverage can bring you large losses compared to your firs t deposit That is how a small move against your position may become the reason for a large loss, and even the loss of your entire deposit If it is noted in the contract with your dealer, you may also be required to pay extra-losses. The market sometimes moves against you. It is impossible to foresee, with a 100 guarantee, how exchange rates will move because the forex market is quite unsteady Changes in the foreign exchange rate between the time you place the trade and the time you close it out influences the price of your forex contract and the future profit and losses related to it. There is no main marketplace. The forex dealer determines the execution price, so you are relying on the dealer s honesty for a fair price As unlike adjusted futures exchanges, in the retail off-exchange forex market there is no main marketplace with lots of buyers and sellers. You are relying on the dealer s reputation credit reliability. There is no guarantee for retail off-exchange forex trades because of a clearing organization Besides funds deposited for trading forex contracts are not insured and never get a priority in case of bankruptcy Even customer funds deposited by a dealer in an FDIC-insured bank account are not protected if the dealer faces bankrupt. There s a risk of the trading system break down. Sometimes a part of the system fails, if you are using an Internet-based or any electronic system for executing trades If the system does fail, it can happen when one may not be able to enter new orders, execute running orders, or alter or cancel orders that were entered before The result of a system failure may be a loss of orders or order priority. You can become a fraud victim. Keep away from investment schemes that promise big profit with little risk To defend your capital from fraud you should carefully examine the investment offer and go on monitoring any investment you make. There are risks with forex trading even if you work with a reliable broker Transactions are unexpected and a re up to unsteady markets and political events. Interest Rate Risk is based on differences between the interest rates in the two countries represented by the currency pair in a forex quote. Credit Risk is a possibility that one party in a forex transaction may not honor their indebtedness when the deal is closed This can occur if a bank or financial institution goes bankrupt. Country Risk is connected with governments that take part in foreign exchange markets by limiting the currency flow The country risks more risk making transactions with rare foreign currencies than with currencies of big countries that let the free trading of their currency. Exchange Rate Risk depends on the changes in prices of the currency during a trading period Prices can go down quickly if stop loss orders are not used There are several ways of minimizing risks Each dealer should have a trading scheme For example, one should know when to enter and exit the market, what kind of fluctuations to expect The main rule every trader should stick to is Don t use money that you can t afford to lose The key to limiting risk is education, which is necessary for developing successful strategies. Every forex trader should know at least the main things about technical analysis and reading financial charts He should also know chart movements and indicators and understand the schemes of chart interpretation. Even the most experienced traders cannot foresee with absolute certainty how the market is going to change Therefore, one should use these tools to limit losses during each forex transaction. The simplest way of limiting risk is to use stop-loss orders A stop-loss order consists of instructions how to exit your position if the price comes to a definite point If one takes a long position and expects the price to go up, he or she puts a stop loss order below the current market price If one takes a short position and expects the price to go down, he or she puts a stop loss order over the running market price St op loss orders are often used together with limit orders to automate forex trading. Many factors are the reason for these forex risks Here are a few examples of these factors the main company s goals, the scheme how these goals are reached, the successful company s administration that guarantees its long functioning, and the ability to oppose any force-majeure with a company s own resources. Other constituents such as the company s length of existence, the building in the center of the town, spacious impressive office and the polite staff are not so important for success Forex market started functioning quite lately, approximately 20 years ago Since then, it has stood independently from other markets and largely because it is out of the exchange Banks made up its primary participants While communication facilities and automation were developing, banks started trading directly without any intermediaries such as stock exchanges Many classical financiers criticize and disregard forex becaus e there is not a single chance of limiting and regulating it legislatively inside one state From the very start, this market became a global phenomenon However, many European and North American banks withdraw their main income, in particular, from speculative operations on forex market whereas the number of the staff working in other market sectors is permanently decreasing. A forex market s broker does not need any licenses and certificates for his activity because he is considered just a legal person That is why the forex market also does not run into any legislative limits inside countries and in many states is equated to the games organization. Therefore, it is important to mention that there are no regulations for forex market, even despite of great number of complicated problems and risks e g the risk connected with market prices changes Confidence and conscientiousness of carrying out the operations, a lucidity and marketing of forex brokers are only some of the problems associate d with forex risks However, it is important to know that broker companies cannot operate in a single stock exchange in compliance with all problems and risks in contrast to quite adaptable exchange markets. It is necessary for any forex trader to know at least the main rules of technical analysis and reading financial charts, to have experience of studying and interpreting chart changes and indicators This is a certain way of decreasing risk and financial exposure. However, each FOREX transaction should be transmitted using all existing tools specially designed to reduce loss, as even the most professional traders cannot exactly predict market s future behavior Many ways to minimize risks when placing an entry order were elaborated Among them are different types of stop-loss orders A stop-loss order is a special code of rules explaining how one can leave his position if the currency price amounts to a certain point A stop loss order is placed below current market price if a person takes the so-called long position and expects the price to go up On the contrary, stop-loss order is placed above current market price if a person takes the so-called short position and expects the price to go down. As an example, if you take a short position on USD CDN it means you expect the US dollar to fall against the Canadian dollar The quote is USD CDN 1 2138 43 therefore, you can sell 1 USD for 1 2138 CDN dollars or sell 1 2143 CDN dollars for 1 USD. You place an order in the following way. Sell USD 1 standard lot USD CDN 1 2138 121,380 CDN. Pip Value 1 pip 10.You are selling US 100,000 and buying CDN 121,380 Your stop loss order will be executed if the dollar goes above 1 2148 in which case, you will lose 100 However, USD CDN falls to 1 2118 23 You can now sell 1 USD for 1 2118 CDN or sell 1 2123 CDN for 1 USD. Still no existing institution is able to control this market for long because of the huge volume of forex Whatever you do in the end, market forces will still be stronger making f orex one of the most open and fair investment opportunities available. Usually one comes across prices of foreign exchange by forex quotes in pairs of currencies where the first currency is the base and the second is the quote currency For instance, USD EUR 0 8419 Here we find out that 1 US dollar costs 0 8419 Euros Here is why, The foregoing currency pair transfers US dollars USD into European Euros EUR The base currency always stands in the first place while the quote stands in the second place Currency shows the price for one unit of the base currency. On the contrary, the pair EUR USD 1 1882 clearly indicates that 1 Euro costs 1 1882 US dollars today. With the help of these quotes, it is quite easy to follow the changes in the financial market If the base currency is becoming stronger, the price of the quote currency rises and this fact indicates that one unit of the base currency will buy more of the quote currency However, if the base currency loses scores, then the quote currency i mmediately goes down. Usually one counts forex quotes as demand and supply in the so-called bid and ask prices The amount of money demanded for the base currency - while selling the quote currency - is called the bid and the price expected for the base currency - while buying the quote currency - is called the ask price. How to define in the cross-currency charts which currency, the base or the quote, is on the top and which on the side If that is the case, the broker should know at least one pair of currencies as well as which one has more value Stop and limit orders will definitely help you to minimize your Forex risks. Each organisation and the person that has revelation to overseas exchange charge risk will possess precise overseas exchange prevarication wants and the main web site cannot probably wrap every active overseas exchange-hedging circumstances Therefore, we have to cover up the ordinary reasons that a overseas exchange prevaricate is positioned and explains how to appropria tely evade overseas exchange charge risk. Overseas trade rate risk introduction is frequent to practically all who perform international commerce and trading Purchasing and selling of merchandise or services designated in overseas currencies that can right away describe you to overseas trade rate risk If a fixed price is estimated ahead of instance for a convention using an overseas trade rate that is believed suitable at the occasion the quotation is given, the overseas trade rate quotation may not essentially be suitable at the occasion of the definite harmony or presentation of the agreement Introducing an overseas trade hedge can help to direct this overseas exchange charge risk. Interest price Risk revelation - Interest rate revelation points to the interest charge discrepancy among the two nation s currencies in a overseas exchange agreement The interest charge disparity is also approximately equivalent to the carry charge paid to elude a forward or upcoming contract The arbitrager s are depositors that obtain benefit when interest charge discrepancies among the overseas exchange mark rate and both the forward or upcoming contract are sometimes high or sometimes low In other terms, an arbitrager can trade when the bearer cost that needs to be collected is at a finest to the real carry rate of the agreement sold In opposition, an arbitrager will purchase when the take over cost to be paid is very much less than the real carry price of the indenture bought. Foreign Speculation Stock Revelation - Overseas investing is measured by many depositors as a method to either branch out a speculation selection or search for a outsized return on speculation s in a financial system believed to be budding at a quicker speed than investment s in the particular familial economy Endowing in overseas stocks involuntarily represents the investor to overseas trade rate risk and exploratory risk For example, an investor purchases a meticulous quantity of foreign notes in order to buy s hares of a overseas stock The depositor is now involuntarily uncovered to two different risks. Prevarication Exploratory Positions - overseas currency exchangers utilize overseas trade hedging to defend open standards against unpleasant moves in overseas trade rates, and locating a foreign trade hedge helps to direct overseas exchange charge risk Exploratory situation is hedged through different foreign trade hedging mediums that may be used alone or in blended format to produce entirely novel overseas trade hedging strategies. Profitable trend following with Renko Charts 20-page special report. If there is one golden rule of trading, then this is probably the trend is your friend Even the forefather of technical analysis, Charles Dow knew that traders should ride extended trend phases as long as possible, rather than exiting rashly and then getting angry at the loss of profits. If you prefer such a trend-following approach and look for a profitable trading strategy which identifies the tu rning points 100 percent rule-based, Renko charts are just right for you They filter out insignificant price noise and thus provide valuable information that can be passed to the classic candlestick chart By using moving averages, the long and short phases can be visually depicted by a simple colour filter The combination of both techniques provides the basis for a solid and robust trading strategy that can be applied on any market and time frame. If you would like to learn how to create a profitable trading strategy step by step, please refer to our recent Trading Tips Issue No 10 Of course, all the program codes are included there. So don t hesitate and check out our PDF file and our video, it s worth it. How to Trade Indian Stock Market. Only a certain segment of investors is free to trade directly in the Indian stock market As an American investor, you most likely will be shut out from direct trading on the Indian stock market, unless you re a non-resident Indian citizen Americans can still gain access to certain Indian securities through the American Depositary Receipt market, through which Indian companies can trade on the American stock exchanges. Other People Are Reading. Buy directly on the Indian Stock Exchange This option only applies to Indian citizens living in India If you re an American citizen, this isn t an option for you, even if reside in India If you re an Indian citizen, you can buy and sell stocks through Indian financial institutions, as you can in America, by placing orders and waiting for executions. Register a Portfolio Investment Scheme Available through banks that are authorized to trade on the Indian Stock Exchange, Portfolio Investment Schemes PINS are required for non-resident Indian citizens to buy and sell on the Indian Stock Exchange The PINS option is not available to U S citizens. Place trades through the bank holding your PINS As a non-resident Indian investor, you can give buy and sell orders to the bank holding your PINS much as you wo uld buy and sell a stock on an American exchange The bank will execute the order for you and provide you with a confirmation. Buy American Depositary Receipts ADRs on an American stock exchange This is the most accessible way for American citizens to buy Indian stocks ADRs are foreign securities that have been packaged to trade on American exchanges in an almost identical fashion to American stocks Examples of Indian ADRs trading on American exchanges are Satyam Computer Services and Infosys Technologies, trading under symbols SAY and INFY, respectively. Buy Indian mutual funds While not directly buying and selling on the Indian stock exchange, you can get access to a diversified portfolio of Indian stocks by purchasing a mutual fund dedicated to Indian securities The India Fund, for example, trades as a closed-end mutual fund on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol IFN. The Online Investing AI Blog. Trading Strategies of the Rich and Famous Warren Buffett. Image courtesy Creative C ommons. The following is part of a series that Ill be creating on trading strategies of well-known traders and investors Today, well look at the keys to the the investment and trading strategies of Warren Buffett. Buffett, the sage of Omaha, is probably the most famous example of a value investor who used several strategies to make his holding company Berkshire Hathaway a premier investment institution while making billions for himself But hes not the pioneer One of the pioneers of value investing is Benjamin Graham, who just so happened to be Buffetts teacher Graham, who well profile in an upcoming post, literally wrote the book on smart investing The book, which is now the Bible of value investing, is called The Intelligent Investor. Graham taught Buffett the cornerstone to his trading strategies He looks for a margin of safety Essentially, youre looking for stocks that are cheaper than they should be Sounds easy, right. Lets take a look at this strategy in depth. Obviously, you cant abso lutely predict the future performance of a company A companys stock may be cheap because it isnt a good company But, Buffett believes that, at least temporarily, a stock may be worth less than the company for a number of factors It could be that other investors are chasing after sexier stocks Some stocks may have slipped on bad times that are being resolved, or are well-performing companies that are dragged down by laggards in their sector. One way Buffett examines the probability of good companies with cheap stocks is by reviewing the tangible book value of the company The tangible book value defined by Investopedia as. The tangible book value per share is calculated as follows. The total tangible assets divided by the total number of shares outstanding. A companys tangible book value looks at what common shareholders can expect to receive if the firm goes bankrupt and all of its assets are liquidated at their book values Intangible assets, such as goodwill, are removed from this calculat ion because they cannot be sold. According to Buffett, stocks that are trading below its tangible book value, the probability increases for the stock to rise in value as Mr Market reexamines its value That higher probability can serve as a margin of safety. One bit of warning Many companies value is locked in things that arent tangible, like patents and intellectual property Be careful when using this rule to measure tech companies and other firms that might have high amounts of intangible assets. Buffett also looks for a competitive moatthis can be a brand, or a unique product line, or some other factor that other companies would find difficult to compete with A good example of a competitive advantage is Coke, one of Buffetts investments Coke has brand power, name recognition, a solid product and lots of other advantages that makes a substantial competitive moat. Its far better to buy a wonderful company at a fair price than a fair company at a wonderful price Warren Buffett. For more information on Buffett, there are lots of great books on his trading and investment strategies, but I would start with his and his partners Charlie Munger letters at Berkshire Hathaway. 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The system makes use of a method called Multiple Time Frame Analysis to enter swing trades in the direction of the weekly, daily, and 4-hour charts To determine the direction, the system uses good old Simple Moving Averages SMAs. Its important to note that he didnt develop the system, but rather, it was introduced by a friend After doing his own testing, he thought it was a good system and opted to trade it live It worked great for him because it was a long-term system, which means he didnt have to spend too much time in front of the charts He claims that it works on 8 different pairs. Timeframes As I mentioned, the system uses multiple time frames to determine the trend It uses the 4-hour, the da ily, and the weekly. Indicators The system uses 3 simple moving averages, with each simple moving average applied to a different time frame Specifically, the 55 SMA is applied on the weekly, the 21 SMA is applied on the daily, and the 34 SMA is applied on the 4-hour time frame. Buy if the 4-hour closes above the 34 SMA AND price is above the 55 SMA on the weekly and 21 SMA on the daily. Sell if the 4-hour closes below the 34 SMA AND price is below the 55 SMA on the weekly and 21 SMA on the daily. Stop loss A slight tweak will be made to simplify the stop loss process for newbies Instead of using the original ATR method, we will be using a simpler version The stop is the 34-SMA value minus 20 pips We will still implement the trailing stop method that harmonicphil uses though. Profit target Since this system is meant to hop on the trend and catch big pips, we will abide by the original rules and keep the position open until the stop loss is hit. Timeframe period that system will be tested The system will be tested over the past 18 months, covering the period of January 2012 to June 2013.Keep in mind that we will be making a slight change to the stop loss process, so the results may not 100 accurately reflect results that harmonicphil may have compiled over the same time period. I will spend the rest of this week backtesting the system and going through the numbers This time next week, Ill be back with the results, as well as my System Review of the 3 Little Pigs Trading System. As a similar alien cyborg once said, Hasta La Vista, baby. DSE starts mock online trading. Submitted by priyodesk on Thu, 21 07 2011 - 1 24am. Dhaka Stock Exchange DSE has launched Internet-based mock online trading to ensuring whether the software works glitch-free or not. DSE president Shakil Rizvi, senior vice president. Ahasanul Islam Tito and other directors at the launching. of mock online trading of the bourse. President of the DSE Shakil Rizvi formally launched the mock trading Wednesday Senior offici als of the bourse were also present on the occasion. We started mock online trading to make the investors familiar with the process and to test whether the operating system works glitch-free or not, said Mr Rizvi. After 21 trial sessions, we will discuss the issue with the stakeholders and take final decision to fully start the online-based trading system in an effort to woo millions of new investors and facilitate faster transaction, Mr Rizvi mentioned. He said the DSE with a market-capitalisation of over US 30 billion and 3 0 million beneficiary owner BO accountholders needs faster web-based trading platform to facilitate share transaction and to woo more investors. With the launching of the web-based trading, an investor will be able to buy or sell his her stocks by placing orders online to a brokerage firm He she will also be able to see his her transaction instantly on his her computer screen after the order is executed by the brokerage s server, he described. Mr Rizvi said at the inaugural day, 70 brokerage houses logged-in and gradually all houses will come under the mock online trading. After completing mock trading successfully, we will start full online trading at the DSE as soon as possible, the DSE boss expressed the hope. The new Internet-based trading software MSA-plus Member s Server Application will pave the way for online trading from different platforms, another DSE official said. After the installation of MSA-plus software, the investors will get trading access to the DSE by using individual password provided by brokerage house concerned from anywhere in the country and across the globe through the Internet, he added. 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While most books on trading deal with general concepts and shy away from specifics, Forex Patterns and Probabilities provides you with real-world strategies and a rare sense of clarity about the specific mechanics of currency trading Leading trading educator Ed Ponsi will explain the driving forces in the currency markets and will provide strategies to enter, exit, and manage successful trades Dozens of chart examples and explanations will guide you each step of the way and allow the reader to look over the shoulder of a professional trader hard at work at his craft. Forex Patterns and Probabilities Trading Strategies for Trending and Range-Bound Markets Wiley Trading Kindle Edition. Free Kindle Reading App Anybody can read Kindle books even without a Kindle device with the FREE Kindle app for smartphones, tablets and computers. To get the free app, enter your e-mail address or mobile phone number. This book provides traders with step-by-step methodologies that are based on real m arket tendencies The strategies in this book are presented clearly and in detail, so that anyone who wishes to can learn how to trade like a professional It is written in a style that is easy to understand, so that the reader can quickly learn and use the techniques provided. Customers Who Bought This Item Also Bought. From the Inside Flap. In recent years, traders have turned to the foreign exchange market expecting to capture substantial profits While the high availability of leverage within this arena can improve your chances of making money, ultimately the success of your endeavors depends upon how well you understand and operate within this market Nobody knows this better than author Ed Ponsi As a professional trader and leading educator of traders, Ponsi has developed a proven approach to trading today s forex market, and now, with Forex Patterns and Probabilities, he wants to share it with you. While most books on trading deal with general concepts and shy away from specifics, Forex Patterns and Probabilities provides you with real world strategies and a rare sense of clarity about the specific mechanics of currency trading that will allow you to take advantage of both trending and range bound markets. Written in a straightforward and accessible style, Forex Patterns and Probabilities will help you make the most of your time in this market You ll be introduced to a variety of elements that are essential to forex trading success and discover the best ways to enter, exit, and manage trades Dozens of chart examples and explanations will guide you each step of the way and allow you to look over the shoulder of a professional trader hard at work at his craft. Divided into four comprehensive parts, this detailed guide. Explains the playing field of the forex market, using powerful metaphors that relate trading scenarios to situations in everyday life. Outlines several specific trading strategies including the FX Ed Trend Technique designed for trending markets. Delves into a variety of non trending trading techniques from the volatility based Squeeze Play to the hedge fund inspired Interest Rate Edge which are all based on unique market tendencies. Offers an insider s view on how to emulate the behavioral patterns of successful professional traders and how to escape the mindset of the amateur. Today s forex market contains some of the most profitable trading opportunities in the world With the practical strategies and trading methodologies found in Forex Patterns and Probabilities you can uncover these opportunities and achieve long term financial success along the way. From the Back Cover. Praise for Forex PATTERNS PROBABILITIES. Ed has the experience, he has the knowledge, and he has the ability to wrap it all up into one of the most useful and insightful books on trading that I ve read You re going to be a better trader with the help of this book. Rob Booker, independent currency trader, and author of Adventures of a Currency Trader. This book is a must read for any equities trader who is trying to learn the ins and outs of the forex markets Ed has the rare gift among traders and educators to take complex trading theories and break them down into interesting and easy to digest trading concepts I have personally had the benefit of studying live with Ed, and I found this book a great review of my live courses with him and now use it as my main forex reference book in my trading library Ed you truly are the rock star of the FX markets Well done. Forex Patterns and Probabilities is one of the best practical forex trading books I have read, and I have read a good many forex books Ed thoroughly teaches those areas that cause most difficulty for new traders, from economic fundamentals to technical trading to the psychological aspects that are so important but ignored by so many new to trading Peppered throughout with anecdotes from the trading and non trading world, Ed s easygoing, homespun style gets his message across very effectively This work is destined to become essential reading for both new and established traders. George Hallmey, Director, Clickevents. Ed Ponsi is a complete teacher Forex Patterns and Probabilities covers it all for forex and trading in general This book will teach you the foundations, the tactics, the pitfalls, and the real world of forex As Director of Education for the Online Trading Academy, I understand the importance of education and trading knowledge Forex Patterns and Probabilities, while focused on forex, allows the reader to see the nuances of trading in general fundamental, technical, psychological, plan management, and a strong, healthy dose of risk management and discipline. Mike McMahon, Director of Education, Online Trading Academy. Forex Patterns and Probabilities Trading Strategies for Trending and Range-Bound Markets Wiley Trading. Forex Patterns and Probabilities Trading Strategies for Trending and Range-Bound Markets Wiley Trading. While most books on trading deal with general concepts a nd shy away from specifics, Forex Patterns and Probabilities provides you with real-world strategies and a rare sense of clarity about the specific mechanics of currency trading Leading trading educator Ed Ponsi will explain the driving forces in the currency markets and will provide strategies to enter, exit, and manage successful trades Dozens of chart examples and explanations will guide you each step of the way and allow the reader to look over the shoulder of a professional trader hard at work at his craft. This book provides traders with step-by-step methodologies that are based on real market tendencies The strategies in this book are presented clearly and in detail, so that anyone who wishes to can learn how to trade like a professional It is written in a style that is easy to understand, so that the reader can quickly learn and use the techniques provided. Speak Your Mind Cancel reply. Market power and trading strategies on the electricity market. From across the web. Fusion Media will not accept any liability for loss or damage as a result of reliance on the information contained within this website including data, quotes, charts and buy sell signals Please be fully informed regarding the risks and costs associated with trading the financial markets, it is one of the riskiest investment forms possible Currency trading on margin involves high risk, and is not suitable for all investors Before deciding to trade foreign exchange or any other financial instrument you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite. Euro Dollar News. The number of EUR-USD long traders remain near 2015 yearly highs Elliott Wave patterns suggest higher probability of continued selling medium term. In line with the broader trend, 9 months of sideways trade in GBP USD has resolved to the downside Focus is on the lower parallel supports that cross lows over the last several y. FXCM and DailyFX are happy to announce our 10,000 Monthly Challenge win ners for the month of October Learn more about Octobers contest here. Why are you interested in the EUR. The central bank in Europe is called the European Central Bank ECB Currently, 17 EU member states have adopted the Euro It is the second-most traded currency on the forex market, after the US Dollar and also a major global reserve currency Other common names for the Euro include Yoyo Irish English , Leru Spanish , and Ege Finnish. Introduction of the Euro. On January 1, 1999, the Euro EUR was introduced as an account currency, replacing the European Currency Unit at par The European Currency Unit was a theoretical basket of currencies rather than a physical currency in and of itself Initially, eleven of the countries in the European Economic and Monetary Union replaced their own currencies with the Euro Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, and Spain Greece followed suit in 2001, Slovenia in 2007, Malta and Cyprus in 2008, and Slovakia in 2009 On January 1, 2014, the Latvian Lats will also be replaced by the Euro. EUR USD Exchange Rate. EUR USD is the most popular pair for Forex currency traders worldwide and with good reason Trading Euro to US dollar or vice versa gives currency traders the opportunity to make use of the world s two largest economies and to take advantage of the volatility and liquidity intrinsic to this pair Reviewing the EUR USD chart on a consistent basis gives a clear picture of market trends. The United States and the US dollar have a special role in the currency markets, as it has long been accepted as a reserve currency and the currency of choice for international monetary transactions. The U S dollar is the world s most heavily traded and most widely held currency In fact, the United States is the largest national economy in the world, with a gross domestic product GDP of nearly 14 trillion When economic activity in the United States is strong, the dollar strengthens and the EUR USD ex change rate adjusts accordingly When economic activity slows down, the dollar weakens Because the United States is also considered a safe haven for assets of all kinds, the dollar tends to rise during times of political or global financial tumult. The European Union represents the world s largest economic region with a GDP of more than 13 trillion It follows that same pattern of responses to economic activity throughout the region as does the U S dollar When economic activity in the European Union is strong, the euro strengthens when economic activity slows, the euro will weaken Despite the challenges that the region has experienced in recent years, or perhaps because of them, the currency remains a strong interest for currency traders worldwide. A primary factor that influences the U S Dollar to Euro FX trading analysis is the relative strength of the two economies One key sign of the relative strength of the two economies is the level of interest rates When U S interest rates are highe r than those of key European economies, the dollar generally strengthens When eurozone interest rates are higher, the dollar weakens. The EUR USD chart will show another strong influence on the euro-dollar relationship-i e the political instability among the members of the European Union If differences among the 16 European nations are serious or threatening, the dollar is will strengthen against the euro. Taken together, the EUR USD pair remains the most liquid currency pair, and its low bid-ask spreads contributes greatly to the EUR USD s popularity. Rate Information Type Currency Bid Ask Diff Diff High Low. The EUR USD is the most commonly traded pair in the Forex market Its popularity can be contributed to the fact that each currency represents the world s two largest economic and trading blocs, as well as many multinational corporations that conduct business in both the United States and Europe. Price movements of this currency pair are generally related to factors that influence the v alue of either the EUR or the USD As the world s most liquid currency pair, the EUR USD offers tight spreads and constant liquidity for traders who are looking to instantly buy or sell The combination of stability and volatility makes the EUR USD an excellent pair for beginner and advanced traders. EUR USD Trading Advantages. iFOREX does not provide its service to residents of COUNTRYNAME. Live Forex - Euro Charts. Euro Forecast - Euro News. Live Forex Euro Rates and Euro Charts. Our Live Forex rates are updated once per minute from 00 00 GMT Monday until 21 00 GMT Friday The live rate is available 24 hours a day and can be viewed in our quote tables, forex trading charts and currency converter tool which allows you to convert currency at current live exchange rates For forex trading we also provide a currency sentiment indicator on our rate pages, which gives the user a quick view of the general sentiment on popular currency cross rates. Review of At The Open - An E-Mini SP 500 Trading Cour se. Continue Reading Below. All the trading rules of the system are completely revealed. DayTradeToWin offers an e-course or trading methodology, At The Open which I have followed for a couple months and the results have been very positive The trading strategy only trades the e-mini SP futures contract and it usually wraps up trading early in the day The trading signals are not overly complicated, which is an added plus Actually, I had a good working knowledge of the methodology within a couple hours. At The Open tends to get you into the market in the direction of the daily trend without chasing the market. Many of the trades are completed within a short timeframe for a quick profit Discretion is left to the trader on whether he wants to take multiple signals throughout the day and use multiple exits on each trade. The system has a high percentage of winners, which I always like There is also a risk management component to the trading rules that keeps you in most of the trades, but you will occasionally get stopped out DayTradeToWin provides a daily performance history of trades since June 2008 on their website. Continue Reading Below. The cost of At The Open is 597 and full disclosure of the trading rules are included I was able to personally speak with the developer of the system, John Paul, and I like how his research disregarded many of the highly publicized indicators in favor of techniques used by professional floor traders The cost of the course seems more than reasonable, especially if you find a system that stands the test of time That remains to be seen, but I like what I have seen thus far When you understand the logic behind these trading rules, it should also help you better understand how the markets work, as well as improving your trading. Trend Trading Renko Charts. Details Published 03 03 2014 16 06 Written by Admin Category Trading strategies Hits 1386.Using Renko charts is quite a peculiar approach to Forex trading It is a form of the price dynamics and pr ice trends expression in different flats than the time intervals The time, of course, is present as a factor, but not in the first place That is, while a simple price candlestick chart reflects the behavior and dynamics of prices based on the time frame, the Renko chart is based on another dimension namely, on the price movement measurements Thus, no matter how much time has passed, the price movement will be reflected by the next candle only after price passing ten points Such approach is not just another dimension it is an entirely new strategy named Renko charts. As shown in the pictures, all candles are of the same size This suggests that each of them has a size of 10 points Moreover, each subsequent candle may appear in an unknown amount of time, as it will be detected only after its sizing. If such price movement measurement is regarded as Renko charts, one advantage should be noted this trading strategy minimizes the reflection of sideways trends, or rather converts them into br ighter sideways trends In other words, the market noise everyone used to observe will as much as possible be converted to trend movements, though not big ones The charts are much cleaner and brighter in terms of trendy directions. The image below shows how Renko charts remove the excess noise movement and a kind of cut them by connecting bright upward and downward movements A sort of graphic montage occurs Of course, the question remains over how long does it happen But the answer also has an acquittal character After all, we often wait for the trend movement Then what s the difference. Renko charts imply the use of indicators, which in their turn will also work on the basis of actual price movements That is, sideways trends will be considerably reduced, which would stimulate the indicators to pronounce trend signals brighter. Renko charts, expressed exclusively with movements dynamics and reducing sideways trends graphics to a minimum, make the use of trend indicators like Alligator or M A much more effective While an ordinary candlestick chart shows Alligator sleeping in sideways trends without any trend movement, Renko shows it differently When applied in this strategy, Alligator will show bright upward or downward movement, fading or falling asleep on the move sometimes, while showing the movement trend in the right direction and further This will allow not to quite the market and not to close orders too early. In such a way, this strategy provides for theoretically a very successful trading, but as a chart with absolutely different dimension, Renko requires a long time adaptation period Source Dewinforex. What s Unique About Renko Charts. Certain features make Renko charts smoother and less cluttered than traditional candlestick or OHLC charts Because Renko charts focus on movement, time is not a factor While the charts have a time axis, it is not uniform like on a traditional chart Renko charts only show specific movement intervals until the price moves by a pre-dete rmined amount the chart isnt updated If the market is quiet and barely moving, days or weeks could pass before a new price bar box appears. Each bar or box on a Renko chart is the same size, so uptrends and downtrends always move at 45 degree angles This often makes trends easier to spot, along with pullbacks and reversals. Renko charts dont constantly update like traditional candlestick charts Some information is left out, such as the high, low, close and open on a particular day This may be relevant information to some traders. All charts courtesy of StockCharts. Figure 1 6-Month Traditional Candlestick Chart. Figures 1 and 2 show the same stock over the same period, showcasing the distinctive look of each chart type. Figure 2 6-Month Renko Chart. How Are Renko Charts Made. There are several parameters to set when making a Renko chart The first is deciding whether the boxes are based on a specific price movement, such as 1 in the case of a stock, or five points in the case of a futures contr act. If you choose the specific price movement, set how much you want each box to be In Figure 2, each box is 1 Starting at the left of the chart, a new box is only created if the price moves 1 When it does a new box is created. If the price moves 1 higher, the box is clear white or green If the price moved 1 lower the box is red or black Boxes dont have to be 1 dollar The interval can be set to anything The bigger the box interval the smoother the price will look, but the chart will update infrequently With a smaller box interval the chart will update more frequently, will show more boxes and wont be as smooth. Another parameter to set is whether boxes are drawn based on high and low prices, or closing prices If you select high and low prices, as soon as the price moves 1 if thats your interval from the prior box a new box is drawn If using closing prices, a new box is drawn only if the closing price of the stock was more than 1 away from the last box. The Renko box size can also be based on Average True Range ATR fluctuates with volatility, so the box size is related specifically to the asset being traded As with choosing a specific price interval discussed above , using an ATR based box requires choosing whether the boxes are based on closing or high low values. Figure 3 shows the same chart as in Figure 1 and 2, except each box is now based on ATR 14 Notice the ATR is 2 8, which means over this period a new box is only drawn when the price moves 2 80.Figure 3 6 Month Renko Chart Based on ATR. Consecutive boxes never appear beside each other If the last box was white, the price only has to move 2 80 in the case of figure 3 higher to create a new box If the last box was white, the price has to drop 2 80 2, or 5 60, in order for a red box to occur Notice the trend shift in November early December on Figure 3 The price trades near 117 50, but the next red box shows the price below 112 50.How Do You Read a Renko Chart. In an uptrend the price must make overall higher highs and higher lows, and in a downtrend lower highs and lower lows. Long strings of white boxes indicate the trend is higher Pullbacks are represented by red boxes that dont fully retrace the last wave of white boxes A long series of red boxes shows the trend is down and white boxes mark a pullback against the downtrend. Where boxes touch a certain price area multiple times, but dont move through it, indicates a support or resistance region Since Renko charts filter out a lot of small price fluctuations, support and resistance are often clearly defined, and breakouts are as well compared to traditional candlestick charts When a box appears above resistance, or below support, is shows the levels have been breached, respectively. Many chart patterns and standard technical analysis methods can be applied to Renko charts Figure 5 shows a head and shoulders pattern Traditional flags or pendants will not appear on Renko charts though the charts only move at 45 degree angles, and when the market pau ses where a flag or pennant would appear on a traditional chart the Renko chart wont produce any new boxes. Figure 5 Renko Chart with Head and Shoulders Pattern. O ver the last 5 years I have literally helped over 500 forex traders around the world I teach them how to trade forex with my Forex Renko Charts FX Trading System. I have finally created a renko bars Forex Trading System which allows ANYONE following my simple technique to Learn How To Trade Forex With Zero Indicators. I personally designed and created this exclusive forex trading method My method is fully flexible to fit any type of forex trader including. I can assist you in developing a custom fit of my method to fit your trading personality This is a better approach than buying some one size fits all. I have trained 100 s of forex traders around the world 95 of traders fail for 2 reasons.1 they lack a profitable trading system.2 they lack discipline. Do you have the discipline to learn a simply yet very effective approach to tra ding forex with renko bars If so I can help you get started ASAP. How does my Forex Renko Charts FX Trading System make trading forex easier for YOU Simple I teach you my very own buy setup and sell setup using just renko charts Zero Indicators. A buy or sell signal is represented by a specific sequence of BOTH red and green forex renko bars You can NOT automatically assume every green box is a buy signal or every red box is a sell signal If you do this you will soon find out you will get whipsawed in and out of alot of losing trades. Trend Trading Forex EA Strategies. By now you should have a basic understanding of what Forex Robots EAs are and how they work. Now I want to talk about what makes them tick, i e the strategies that are programmed into each EA, and the positives and negatives you as a trader will find in each. Although almost all strategies can work, I think some work better than others, and these are the ones I want to introduce you to in the next few sessions First up is Tren d Trading. The Forex market can only do one of three things go sideways, go up or go down If you look through all the time frames on almost any currency pair youll eventually find one that shows the price going up or down, which is known as trending, versus sideways, which is known as ranging A trend trading strategy does what it says on the tin it trys to find trends and then places trades in the direction of the trend Sounds simple, but its a little more difficult to execute. What the strategy must determine is. When has a trend started. When will it finish. If the strategy picks the start too late it could miss the trend altogether and lose the trade If it misses the end it could lose all or some of its profit as the trend reverses or the market starts ranging. How To Design an Animal Training Plan. Earlier in the week I discussed animal training plans but after giving it some thought, I decided that it might be advantageous to share just how you set one up. Basically, a training plan is li ke having a map for your trip It is important to follow a process that gets you to the final goal just like following the road map to a destination. There are two types of plansthose for the professional and those for the pet owner. For the animal trainer the animal training plan is more like a sequential program to get clients to the final goal of better behavior. One skill builds on another and the basics are the best place to start. The successful training program will be goal oriented and once implemented will be maintained with minimal effort because it will be able to be integrated into the daily routines of the students and their animals. In the wild animal training field we always use the knowledge of the natural history of the species, individual history, relationships with conspecifics, what the environment is like, and exhibit limitations. It is no different in the domestic realm where the trainer needs to know the predisposition of the species, individual, the animals it lives wi th, the environment and family dynamics within the home. The other important components are to understand and recognize what is reinforcing or aversive to an animal, if the animal has a specific learning style or if it is receptivity is influenced by the environment. It is also critical to understand and recognize the signals and patterns of behavior that indicate stress, or signal appeasement, so that problems can be mitigated or reduced. Now most animal trainers understand that everything that happens is teaching an animal something. It is being conscious of what is transpiring in any given moment that is important and what most novice trainers or pet owners miss. I usually say, everything is reinforcing or is extinguishing. Translated, this means if it is being reinforced, the likelihood that it will occur again is high. If not, it will extinguish or disappear. Plus, if you teach an animal to respond, you engage the mental processesotherwise the animal might just reactwhich is different I c an talk about this at another time. A successful training plan or program is best when it is clear, flexible and progressive. Clear means that you have an idea where you are going. Flexible means that you change according to how you or the animal is progressing. Progressive means that the behavior steps always move forward to the goal instead of backwards. Now, to get where you are going you need a plan, clear markers of success, and a journal or log to keep track of progress. When working with behavior problems I make people log when the behaviors occur, what context, and if there are any triggers before they see it. Often, patterns of behavior occur and so keeping a record reveals those patterns, helps to identify the patterns and precursors to the problems or breakdowns in behaviors. Wild animal trainers like acronyms and one of the popular ones for training programs is called, SPIDER. or you can remember that I TOLD U. Okay, so now that I gave you a few ideas about this It is time to look at an example. For this example, lets use the behavior of Come. Get the animal to come when called. Respond in familiar environment. Respond in higher distraction environments. In familiar environment get animal to. Respond to name. Move toward caller. Close proximity calls in a familiar environment home. Successive approximation to distance. Play Relay Come. Play Hide n Seek Come. Get success, repeat maximum of two times. Practice 3-6 short sessions per day. Move to level two distraction yard on lead once animal has an immediate, reliable come in the home after a minimum of one-two weeks of practice. Move toward caller. Close proximity calls in yard. Successive approximation to distance. Play Relay Come. Play Run while calling game. Repeat sequence on line. Get success, repeat maximum of two times. Practice 3-6 short sessions per day. Move to level three distraction park after successfully practicing the behavior successfully for one-two weeks at level two distraction. Move toward caller. Close proximity calls. Successive approximation to distance. Play Relay Come. Play Run while calling game. Repeat sequence on line. Get success, repeat maximum of two times. Practice 3-6 short sessions per day. Log location, time, progress, issues, successes, and level training ended. Casey responded to name and gave eye-contact and so was rewarded Stepped back three steps and repeated with success Ended session. Was in front of Casey, called her and moved back three steps she came right away Repeated, then played relay with kids Stopped before she went automatic. Did relays from about six feet away from Casey Repeated successfully three times even though she got distracted by the cat on the 3rd attemptshe did come. Under Stimulus Control Cue. Stimulus control means putting the behavior on cue The word, come is a cue but so is a hand signal. Pairing the signal with the verbal command will trigger a response from the pet if taught correctly. At first, both are done together, and then one or the other can be faded out. So, this is a simple type of example for one behavior. Now if you are a trainer working with students you might set up a goal for the class session. In the first class of the series after they listen or participate in the animal behavior introduction , generally I teach students how to. properly use the leash. get longevity and distance. and then I let them practice before advancing to more active behaviors that require more skill. Each class builds on the next and so should your training plans. Each training session builds on the previous. Okay, is this clear Do you have an example to share. Blog Posted March 25, 2010 at 6 40 am. The previous Anon is wrong High frequency trading is quantitative finance The idea that you can make automated trading strategies that execute in milliseconds with no quantitative research is absurd. And I don t know where Anon is getting the whole more established or more job security from Jane Street was founded in 2000 and HRT was founded in 2002 - they are both establis hed companies Both companies treat their employees very well Their turnover rates are both lower than the industry standard. In terms of Jane Street being active in more asset classes, that is also unfounded I will refer readers to this article Inside Hudson River, the Firm That Does 5 of All Stock Trading They trade everything as long as it is profitable, just like Jane Street. The main difference is that HRT is much more automated than Jane Street While Jane Street has a Trader position, there is no such position at HRT At HRT, you are called an Algorithm Developer, and you are expected to both do quantitative research and write the code to implement the trading strategies. Jane Street Capital is a proprietary trading firm in NYC This means that they trade with the firm s internal assets Since there are no clients, they are NOT a hedge fund. In terms of the work, they use quantitative methods to take advantage of an arbitrage situation To put in the simplest terms, this means they take a dvantage of a situation where the relationship between two instruments is out of sync, thereby providing an opportunity for arbitrage This is the type of trade which made tons of money for the guys at Long Term Capital but also led to their demise when spreads continued to diverge Jane Street trades a wide variety of products, but if I m not mistaken, their largest activity is on stock and index options. It s very tough to get a job there There are around five rounds of interviews, each on getting progressively harder You will be tested on math, economics, probability and statistics To put it simply, you have to be really sharp to land a job. If you start off as a junior trader, you will get paid a base salary of around 45-50K This is a paltry amount, especially for NYC, so you ll struggle at first However, if you do well at Jane Street you ll easily make six figures The partners make seven figures. I personally don t think Jane Street is that prestigious The fact of the matter is, propri etary firms are small and have limited resources The training they give you may not be as comprehensive as what you would get at a BB trading floor If you had the option, you should take GS MS ML trading or a top hedge fund over Jane Street without a question. News from Jane Street. Jane Streets London office recently moved into a shiny new building at 20 Fenchurch in the heart of the City The large, south-facing facade of 20 Fenchurch was so shiny, in fact, that it made the news Much went into shaping the new space to our needs and wants , and it shows Jane Street, and. In June we spent an evening at the Makery, a pop up maker space in NYC Our task was to make a Rube Goldberg machine that could get a small plastic ball to hit a target There were 4 groups, each of whom had the task of moving the ball to the next group The. As a long time admirer of ocaml, stuck in a job with limited but thankfully expanding opportunities to code solutions in my favoured language, I want to thank you for pu blishing this video for the following two reasons.1 Being the only functional programmer in my workplace, it is hard to win over traditional OOPists even after providing ocaml solutions such as parsers and on-the-fly code generators as to the long-term benefits of using ocaml.2 The sheer joy of listening to someone describe a subject with an engaging combination of wit, intelligence, energy and clarity. Jane Street Capital. The Overall Ranking is a score from 1 star very bad to 5 stars excellent generated based on the Company Reviews of current and former employees at this company, taking everything into account. The number you see in the middle of the donut pie chart is the simple average of these scores If you hover over the various sections of the donut, you will see the breakdown of each score given. The percentile score in the title is calculated across the entire Company Database and uses an adjusted score based on Bayesian Estimates to account for companies that have few reviews Sim ply put, as a company gets more reviews, the confidence of a true score increases so it is pulled closer to its simple average and away from the average of the entire dataset. About the position. Traders work in teams to seek out and take advantage of pricing inefficiencies, develop models, manage risk, investigate new products, and push into new business areas. Experienced traders will mentor newer colleagues, whose responsibilities increase with their capability. Summer interns will usually split their summer between two different trading desks, and spend a week in one of Jane Street s overseas office. Previous experience or coursework in finance, business or economics is not required Jane Street is more interested in how you think and learn than what you know. Ideal candidates will be. With offices in NY, London and HK, Jane Street is trading firm that operates around the clock and around the globe, trading a wide range of financial products including - EFTs - Equities - Futures - Commodit ies - Options - Bonds - Currencies. Jane Street is an active participants on more than 200 electronic exchanges and other trading venues in about 40 countries around the world. It was founded in 2000 by three traders and a technologist with a common vision 1 To compete in every market in the world, generating profit through insight and technology while making the market more efficient 2 To recruit the most capable people and train them to the highest standard 3 To build an honest organisation where employees can focus on meaningful results rather than office politics.2015 16 New York Hong Kong Software Developer Internship. Interns are given the opportunity to engage in software and research projects that have real and lasting impact. Applications closed Oct 1, 2015 More.2013 Trading Internship.2013 Research Internship. OHS Action Plan. Weve been really spoiled with this article, as one of the Safety Concepts Subscribers, Mike OReilly is sharing two helpful and practical documents with us. An OHS Action Plan Template and the Core Elements of OHS Management both in PDF format please click on the links to access. Mikes experience is in the Workers Compensation Arena both in Australia and New Zealand He has worked with the Accident Compensation Corporation ACC in New Zealand, then with WorkAon a third party claims administrator on behalf of New Zealand Employers and has been involved with all aspects of claims management from managing workers compensation claims at the front end to catastrophic claims management. Mike is currently the Injury Management Advisor with a WorkCover Agent who is contracted on behalf of WorkSafe, Victoria to manage workers compensation claims throughout Victoria. PS Want to complete your Certificate IV in OHS Safety Concepts now offer an online option There are no classes to attend or lectures to sit through You can enrol and start completing your own Certificate IV in OHS immediately This online course allows you to attain a nationally recognised qual ification in OHS anytime and anywhere Call us on 07 32101234 for more details. PPS Want another Action Plan Template Click OHS ACTION PLAN. About the Author. Safety Concepts is an online resource providing up to date insights and covering issues in the field of Workplace Safety. Is now a good time to buy XIV. This past year I have been working on trading strategies involving the VXX and XIV securities These are exchange traded notes ETNs intended to mimic the short-term moves in the CBOE volatility index, the VIX. The VIX is not a real trading instrument Rather, it is a mathematical number calculated by the CBOE and derived from the value of stock options premiums within the SP 500 If the options market is more active and traders bid up the premiums, this means that the options reflect more volatility in the stock market A higher VIX number indicates more volatility. The implied volatility of stock options can go up for a variety of reasons More traders may be buying hedges for their portfoli os Speculators may be betting on stronger directional moves in the market Generally, volatility increases when there is more uncertainty in the market, which usually coincides with a drop in the overall stock market Thus, the VIX almost always spikes when the SP 500 has a pullback Stronger pullbacks or corrections in the market correlate to a more intense spike in the VIX.1 Year Chart of SP500 vs VIX. VIX Futures - A Roundabout Way of Playing Volatility. Because the VIX is not a tradable security, the CBOE offers traders a way to make bets on the VIX through cash-settled futures VIX futures have monthly expirations and the settlement value is supposed to correspond to the value of the VIX at the settlement time But because a futures market trades based on the future expectations of its underlying securitys value, the value of VIX futures contracts several months out differ from the current value of the VIX Here is a chart of the typical VIX term structure. The term structure of VIX future s Source vixcentral. Notice how the curve is sloping up The father out you go on the futures contract settlement date, the more expensive the contract relative to VIX This makes sense because it shows that a trader buying a long term VIX futures contract today is expecting that at some point between now and the settlement day, the VIX will spike higher and the contract can be sold or will expire at a higher price For example, do you think that between now and next May the VIX will at some point spike above 18 24 Given its history of spikes and a long term average of 20, there is a reasonable chance over 9 months that the VIX at some point will be over 18 24.When the VIX term structure is sloping upwards like this, it is in a condition known as contango In contango, rolling over your contract from one expiration to the next costs you money Why Suppose you wanted to roll over your October VIX contract and buy the November future You would sell the October for 15 33 and buy the November fo r 15 82 You would have to pay for the difference of 0 49, or 3 2.There are times when the VIX term structure changes so that the curve slopes downward The opposite of contango happens, which we call backwardation Backwardation helps traders by allowing them to profit from rolling contracts forward since the near term expiration is more expensive than the long term expiration contract Heres what backwardation looks like. Example of backwardation on the VIX term structure Source vixcentral. Using the VXX and XIV to Trade VIX and VIX Futures. A product from Barclays allows you to trade VIX futures the iPath SP 500 VIX Short-Term Futures ETN, traded under the ticker VXX on the New York Stock Exchange The VXX gives equities traders like me the ability to trade volatility without having to go directly through the futures market The underlying VXX security is backed by futures contracts held by Barclays They maintain a portfolio of the next 2 months VIX futures and use a computer algorithm to ke ep the VXX securitys value in tandem with the underlying value of these assets. The VXX is intended to be used as a tool to help equities traders hedge their portfolio against an increase in short term stock market volatility Because the VXX moves strongly in times of increasing volatility, a small position in it can offset a large drop in the stock market Here is chart depicting the performance of VXX compared to the 2011 correction in the SP 500 If you timed your entry just right, a 10 allocation of VXX would have completely offset the entire 20 loss of value in a portfolio of the SP 500 stocks. VXX Will Lose Value If Held Over the Long Run. By the way this product is advertised, you may get the impression that holding some VXX in your portfolio will provide a hedge against a decline in the market Unfortunately, its not that simple For most of the time, the term structure of the VIX futures are in contango Because Barclays is constantly rolling over their underlying contracts from the f irst month to the second month, VXX constantly loses money due to contango Over an extended period of time, this adds up to a massive decline in value During a bull market, contango between the first and second month VIX futures contracts usually runs between 3 and 6 a month. Weekly chart of VXX performance since the current ETNs inception in 2009 A 99 7 loss from its peak. For a few days of the year we can see backwardation 1 Backwardation usually appears during a severe and sudden decline in the market, when emotions run high Such bouts of backwardation temporarily prop up the value of VXX and can give a rally some sticking power. Contango VXX Goes Down. Backwardation VXX Goes Up. Rather than going down to zero due to contango, VXX will just become infinitesimally small Barclays frequently issues reverse splits which keep the dollar value normalized between 10 and 40 dollars per share They can also issue more shares as needed to keep the ETN trading in alignment with its net asset value. C an I Profit From Contangos Long Term Effect on VIX Futures. Since contango erodes the value of VXX over the long run, you may be thinking that going short the VXX is a surefire way of making money While this strategy looks very appealing, there are some huge risks A sudden correction in the stock market could spike the VIX very high In a matter of days or even hours, VXX could triple If you have a large part of your portfolio short VXX and this happens, you will get the margin call from your broker that blows up your account. If you want to play long term contango, a good alternative to a VXX short is to go long the Credit Suisse VelocityShares Daily Inverse VIX Short-Term ETN, XIV This ETN mimics the daily returns of VXX on the inverse side by going short the near term futures contracts I like XIV because it eliminates some of the disadvantages of being short VXX You dont have to pay your broker borrowing fees and the amount of capital you risk is limited to the amount of capital you pu t in. The long term returns you can capture from being long XIV are incredible, but you still risk losing a lot of capital with bad timing A sharp decline in the market could cause you to lose most of your investment and take a very long time to recover. There are unique risks to holding XIV as a long term investment An unforeseen change in the VIX futures term structure could cause prolonged backwardation A severe intraday move in the VIX futures could drive XIV to become infinitesimally small or may even break the ETN. A VIX-based ETN has broken before The Credit Suisse TVIX ETN product is broken because the bank hit a self imposed internal limit on the ETN size and cannot issue more shares TVIX therefore trades out of alignment with its net asset value because the issuing bank has a defective tool in adjusting the value of the traded security. Measuring Movement in the VIX vs XIV. For the past few days the stock market has been jittery Last Thursday the market fell and the VIX spiked to 16 69 If you believe this is a short term top in the VIX, it may be profitable to go long XIV If volatility declines, the VIX futures will fall and XIV will increase in value. To help estimate the downside risk in XIV from where its currently at, I conducted a study comparing XIVs value to the VIX over the last year Below is a chart visualizing the result of my study Its a scatter plot of XIV over the course of 2014 The different colored markers are used to denote the value of the VIX as compared to XIV See the key on the right hand side The Y-axis denotes the value of XIV. To give an example of how to read this chart, the leftmost markers represent the VIX and XIV at the very beginning of 2014 As you can see, the first few markers are green triangles, which means that the VIX had a value of 14 when XIV was at a value of approximately 34 Moving right, the VIX fell going into January The red squares represent the VIX at 13 Going into February, the VIX spiked to 20 denoted by orange circle s and XIV value fell into the upper 20 s. XIV chart over the same timeframe as the study above. As you can see from the chart above, we had a period mid-year when the VIX went into the low teens and strong contango pushed XIV higher Early in the year, a VIX reading of 13 coincided with XIV at around 35 Now in September a VIX reading of 13 coincides with XIV at 43, thanks to the impact of contango. Is Buying XIV Here and Holding a Good Strategy. The last major advance we had in XIV was this summer when it climbed from the low 30 s to the mid 40 s, a gain of roughly 50 in 3 months Now that the markets and XIV have spent some time consolidating at the current levels, I think we could potentially see another advance as we go into the holiday season. Using my study to gauge the potential downside from the current value of XIV, I estimate that a spike in the VIX to 20 could cause XIV to fall into the low 30 s But backwardation could easily cause it to drop even further So from the current level, you risk a potential 20 drop in XIV if the market goes through a calamity such as a correction But if you are an optimist and believe the bull market will continue and volatility will remain low, then XIV could substantially increase by the end of the year because of contango. The long term effect of contango should continue to gradually increase the value of XIV into the foreseeable future But whether the timing is right to engage XIV for a swing trade to profit from the impact of contango depends on your risk tolerance A prudent trading strategy should involve the minimization of unrealized losses to prevent them from turning into much larger realized losses down the road. Whichever scenario you think will play out, XIV will provide some interesting moves to profit from As a trader of any VIX based product, its important to understand the factors driving the price action - such as the sentiment in the overall market and the strength of contango backwardation If you wait for good entrie s and have a prudent loss management plan to protect yourself from the risks, trading VIX based securities could be extremely lucrative over the long term.1 You can find a good article on contango backwardation stats here. The right tools for your trade. Quick, easy and free to join online. For trades up to including 5000 See the nabtrade FSG for brokerage and FX charges which includes an FX conversion. Domestic equities, warrants and International trades up to and including 5,000 are 14 95 per online trade For trades over 5,000, brokerage is 19 95 per online trade up to and including 20,000 Over this amount, brokerage of 0 11 of trade value per online trade applies GST applies only to domestic brokerage All fees and charges are charged in Australian dollars Each international trade will include a foreign exchange conversion spread on the transaction value The spread ranges from 0 50 to 0 80 , depending on the transaction value This is subject to change at any time For more details on fees and charges refer to the nabtrade Financial Services Guide. The free international brokerage offer applies to all executed international trades placed online via the nabtrade platform between the campaign period of 5 August 2015 and 31 October 2015 International trades include buy or sell trades placed on the Hong Kong, German, UK and US exchanges Each international trade will include a foreign exchange conversion spread of between 0 50 to 0 80 on the trade transaction value. The nabtrade service nabtrade is the information, trading and settlement service provided by WealthHub Securities Limited ABN 83 089 718 249 AFSL No 230704 WealthHub Securities , a Market Participant under the ASIC Market Integrity Rules and a wholly owned subsidiary of National Australia Bank Limited ABN 12 004 044 937 AFSL 230686 NAB. Investing through the nabtrade Global Market Trading service is not the same as investing directly The nabtrade Global Market Trading service is an international share trading, nominee and custody service Although you ll be the beneficial ow ner of the relevant International Securities, the legal interest is held by the Custodian or Sub-custodians and they will receive all communications regarding your investments on your behalf, including notification of shareholder meetings, upcoming corporate events and dividend information. NAB doesn t guarantee the obligations or performance of its subsidiaries or the products or services its subsidiaries offer nabtrade doesn t provide personal advice to clients and is available to persons accessing these financial services and products while in Australia Information has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial circumstances, or needs Before acting you should consider the appropriateness of the information or general advice with regard to your objectives, financial circumstances or needs Where the information or general advice relates to a financial product, you should consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement or disclosure documents available at na btrade au The value of investments and future returns may rise or fall and, at times, returns may be negative Past performance is not a guarantee of future performance. All domestic orders are executed in accordance with our Best Execution Policy As a result, your order may be executed on Chi-X Australia or ASX order books at a price different from the price quoted on the Trading Site The information on this site is governed by Australian law and is subject to the nabtrade Client Agreement terms of use and general advice warning. National Australia Bank Limited All rights reserved. For trades up to including 5000 See the nabtrade FSG for brokerage and FX charges which includes an FX conversion. Domestic equities, warrants and International trades up to and including 5,000 are 14 95 per online trade For trades over 5,000, brokerage is 19 95 per online trade up to and including 20,000 Over this amount, brokerage of 0 11 of trade value per online trade applies GST applies only to domestic brokerage All fees and charges are charged in Australian dollars Each international trade will include a foreign exchange conversion spread on the transaction value The spread ranges from 0 50 to 0 80 , depending on the transaction value This is subject to change at any time For more details on fees and charges refer to the nabtrade Financial Services Guide. The free international brokerage offer applies to all executed international trades placed online via the nabtrade platform between the campaign period of 5 August 2015 and 31 October 2015 International trades include buy or sell trades placed on the Hong Kong, German, UK and US exchanges Each international trade will include a foreign exchange conversion spread of between 0 50 to 0 80 on the trade transaction value. The nabtrade service nabtrade is the information, trading and settlement service provided by WealthHub Securities Limited ABN 83 089 718 249 AFSL No 230704 WealthHub Securities , a Market Participant under the ASIC Market Integrity Rules and a wholly owned subsidiary of National Australia Bank Limited ABN 12 004 044 937 AFSL 230686 NAB. Investing through the nabtrade Global Market Trading service is not the same as investing directly The nabtrade Global Market Trading service is an international share trading, nominee and custody service Although you ll be the beneficial ow ner of the relevant International Securities, the legal interest is held by the Custodian or Sub-custodians and they will receive all communications regarding your investments on your behalf, including notification of shareholder meetings, upcoming corporate events and dividend information. NAB doesn t guarantee the obligations or performance of its subsidiaries or the products or services its subsidiaries offer nabtrade doesn t provide personal advice to clients and is available to persons accessing these financial services and products while in Australia Information has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial circumstances, or needs Before acting you should consider the appropriateness of the information or general advice with regard to your objectives, financial circumstances or needs Where the information or general advice relates to a financial product, you should consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement or disclosure documents available at na btrade au The value of investments and future returns may rise or fall and, at times, returns may be negative Past performance is not a guarantee of future performance. All domestic orders are executed in accordance with our Best Execution Policy As a result, your order may be executed on Chi-X Australia or ASX order books at a price different from the price quoted on the Trading Site The information on this site is governed by Australian law and is subject to the nabtrade Client Agreement terms of use and general advice warning. National Australia Bank Limited All rights reserved. Spencer Matthews They made me stuff down four Big Macs, four muffins and four lagers in 25 minutes Former trader on his stomach-churning city initiation. By Spencer Matthews 17 41 GMT 05 Mar 2014, updated 18 34 GMT 05 Mar 2014.Spencer Matthews is the cover star for the March issue of Square Mile. In his interview he discusses his career in finance before Made in Chelsea. He reveals the grueling food challenge he d id on his first day at the office. I couldn t believe my luck when I was recently asked to be on the cover of Square Mile magazine. For anyone who hasn t worked in the city, the luxury monthly mag is the GQ for all the city boys and girls it s all about the movers and shakers of the financial world as well as all things fashion, styling, and dining. So it came as a bit of shock to be asked to appear on the cover, as well as a great privilege the previous cover star was Leo DiCaprio for his Wolf of Wall Street launch, so clearly they must have had a quiet month in order to choose me for the March issue. Scroll down for video. Spencer Matthews appears on the cover of this Month s issue of Square Mile, which Spencer describes as GQ for city boys Spencer Matthews swapped finance for fame when he joined Made In Chelsea. In his interview Spencer revealed that he struggled to juggle filming and his career. There was of course a tenuous link for me to their world of finance - I was a trader in the ci ty for quite a few years before I started filming for Made In Chelsea. Many city firms have first day initiations for their new apprentices to go through and Square Mile editor Mark Hedley made me reveal mine. Related Articles. I was pretty much the only posh bloke in a room full of Essex wide-boys There were four guys starting on the same day and we were made to undertake a gruelling lunch challenge. It was four Big Macs, four large chocolate muffins, four cans of lager, and one conference room We were all sat down in from of this haul of food and drink and the whole office put money in a jar and bet on who could consume the lot in the fastest time. Before filming Made in Chelsea, Spencer used to turn up at his desk job at 5 45am every morning. Only one guy in a office of about a hundred people bet on me. My plan for the City Boy vs Food challenge was to go slow and steady, I figured that anyone who flew out of the traps too quickly would suffer difficulty later down the line. And that s exac tly what happened, one took the lead very quickly but then went green and had to retire from the race The other two raced ahead but I caught them both up in the final lap and managed the lot in under 25 minutes. Spencer chats to Square Mile Editor, Mark Hedley Spencer Matthews on the set of his Square Mile shoot Spencer Matthews clowns around on set. I realise that it was a totally juvenile and stupid game but you might as well win it if you can So the prize pot was left to me and the only guy who backed me, Max Keble-White, who is still a good friend to this day. BTW - I would not advise anyone to attempt to beat this record at home, it s not big or clever. For a time I was trying to juggle a job in the city and filming Made In Chelsea, I was at my desk at work for 5 45am the hours are definitely the worst thing about working in the city finished at 6pm then onto a taxi-bike across town to Chelsea to film for the show till about 11pm. Inevitably there would be a few drinks afterwards and what with weekend shoots and quite a bit of partying, I found myself burnt out and also quite overweight watch series 1 and 2 of MIC and it s hard to miss. The constant snacking at work was the worst thing but I ve now got that under control by using Forza T5 Super Strength in the mornings and afternoons. Spencer Matthews says he plans to work on his fitness levels in order to be beach ready this summer. I also get deliveries from Fresh Fitness Food right to my door every day which gives me nutritious low carb meals, and I m working out a lot at City Athletic gym wi th my trainer, WBFF Pro Fitness world champion Shaun Stafford. I totally admit I ve let myself slip a bit since getting in Men s Health cover shape at the end of last year so I m making a big push to be beach ready for summer now and I m planning a trip to No 1 Boot Camp in Ibiza to take off any rough edges. One thing I certainly won t be doing is having four Big Macs for lunch any time soon. The full article on Spencer Matthews is in March Issue of Square Mile out now To read the full article click here. Next Stories 1 30. Sophie was definitely in the Harry camp Friends of the Australian model pictured with Prince William on his ski holiday claim she actually fancied his brother Harry. Could a daily cuppa be the key to beating DEMENTIA Research reveals black, green and oolong tea can reduce risk of cognitive impairment by as much as 86 per cent. Eat like you love yourself In the final part of our exclusive series celebrity nutritionist AMELIA FREER reveals how to stay slim - for ever. Mind m assages, serotonin sling mocktails and a resident world-class shrink JANET STREET-PORTER checks into the hotel that cures insomnia in just one weekend. 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